
Jan 30, 2012

Long Time No See

So let's just say it's been awhile. Clearly this whole keeping up with a blog thing may not be my strong suit. However, I do have some pretty good reasons in my life right now as to why I haven't posted in forever. The main one being I recently got a new job that is full time and I love! But it keeps me very busy and when I come home I pretty much just lounge. However, it is so nice to finally be using my degree and getting paid for it... who would have thought. Since my last post a lot of new stuff has happened including holidays and birthdays. Christmas was so nice and it was such a blessing that we were able to go home and be with family for almost 2 weeks. We had such a nice time, despite major car troubles, and I thoroughly enjoyed every moment. David's birthday Jan 20 was a blast. It was so nice to get together with a good group of friends and just go out. This past weekend I got to spend some time with a good friend and we crafted...of course! My obsession with pinterest has taken over, as it has with many others I believe, and I did some fun projects this past weekend. Pictures to come...I hope. For now I am just trying to get the whole "remember to write" thing down.